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Immagine del redattore: EsculapioEsculapio

Aggiornamento: 30 ott 2020

  • ISSN 2282-8443

  • DOI: 10.15651/arethuse



  • Italy Francesco Testa (Pegaso University - Naples) Gian Luca Gregori (Polytechnic University of Marche)

  • Spain Ambrosio Sempere (University of Murcia) Juan Carlos Rodriguez Cohard (University of Jaén)

  • France Maurice Goze (Université Bordeaux 3) Pierre-Xavier Meschi (Cergam Aix-Marseille University)


  • Italy Maria Rosaria Marcone (Polytechnic University of Marche) Oscar Domenichelli (Polytechnic University of Marche) Antonio Minguzzi (University of Study of Molise) Antonella Reitano (University of Study of Calabria)

  • Spain Carmen Calderón Patier (University CEU San Pablo)

  • France Marilyne Peyrefitte (Université Bordeaux 4) Kiane Goudarzi (Cergam Aix-Marseille University)


The scientific journal was founded in order to spread and intensify the scientific activities of the International Association dell’ARETHUSE (Association des Rencontres Économiques Thématiques des Universités du Sud de l’Europe) since 1985 allows scientists and managers to identify areas of research, sometimes interdisciplinary, which are the most appropriate in defining the interpretative models of the changing economic environments. During the annual meetings, which are repeated on a regular basis for over twenty five years, and associated academic institutions they represent are compared to the need to develop theoretical models and cultural through a more intensive research that is capable of enhance not only theoretical knowledge but also the skills available in the area (business, markets, institutions). Although resulting from scientific and cultural association, the magazine is aimed at all those who wish to compare and improve their knowledge of economic and managerial issues related to various economic actors operating in the territories of southern Europe In view of this, the magazine aims to provide valuable contributions to the cultural and scientific update of those who intend to deal with, both in academia and in the operational areas of business and territories, the socio-economic development of the countries of the South. The journal accepts only original articles. All essays, even those presented by the thematic numbers shall be submitted to two anonymous referees for acceptance for publication; in case of discrepancy between the two evaluations is provided the use of a third referee. The editorial guidelines for items are specified in detail in the magazine’s website (download PDF).

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